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Certification Training

Faculty Certification


DLII provides Certification TrainingThe information on this page addresses the Interregional Guidelines for the Evaluation of Distance Education requirements, and allows faculty to fulfill their obligation.

  • Are you a full-time instructor, and have you taken EITHER UCM’s internal Designing Your Course with Quality Assurance OR Quality Matters’ APPQMR course within the past 5 years?
    • If yes - You are still certified.
    • If no - You will need to be recertified for another 5 years (see below)   
  • Are you an Adjunct instructor who is teaching online?
    • You will either need to certify for one year with the QA-Lite course, or you may complete any of the 4 options for 5 year certification.

Currently our courses are undergoing revision and updates, please contact DLII for more information.

One-Year Online Teacher Certification with QA-Lite

The following option is designed specifically for 1 year certification of adjunct faculty; however, full-time faculty may take this course as well.

QA-Lite (Option to obtain a 1-year certification):

  • Self-paced online course.
  • Designed for adjunct faculty, but open to all faculty.
  • Total Time: 90 minutes, but is self-paced and can be completed over a full semester.
  • Open fall, spring, and summer. DLII will maintain records of enrollment and completion.
  • There is no online facilitator; however assistance can be requested directly from DLII.


5-year Online Teaching Certification Options

The following options are designed for 5-year certification of full-time faculty, although all options are open to all faculty.

Option 1: Complete the Effective Online Teaching course

The focus of this online course is teaching online effectively, and not on online course design. This course is intended for faculty who teach from Blackboard templates, and do not have access, or have no desire, to revise the design of the course. 

  • Total Time: 6 hours, but is self-paced and can be completed over a full semester.
  • Open fall, spring, and summer.
  • 5-year certification to TEACH online. (Please note this is not an online course design certification).


Option 2: Cohort Model

  • Cohort of 5 - 25 faculty
  • Session is developed upon Colleges’/Schools’ request
  • In-house with hands-on training in the DLII training room, includes online components.
  • Upon successful completion, faculty will receive 5-year certification in course design AND teaching.


Option 3: Complete the UCM online Quality Assurance course

  • Offered once per semester (fall, spring, and summer).
  • 6-week self-paced course.
  • Taught by DLII staff - includes regular facilitator interaction and development of an online course.
  • Upon successful completion of the QA course, faculty will have 5-year certification to teach and design online courses and develop a course shell which can be uploaded to develop an actual online course.
